Fac/Staff profile


Associate Professor of Physics
Jin Wang
2225 NSBS (Natural Sciences Building South)
4901 Evergreen Rd
Dearborn, MI 48128

Teaching Areas:

Research Areas:

Biography and Education

Professor Wang studies a variety of quantum optic phenomena using photons in various states of coherence and entanglement. One field of study concerns the fundamental properties of the quantum phenomenon called complementarity. One method of studying these properties involves using delayed choice interferometry with entangled photons. Another subject of recent interest is interaction free measurement where an object can be detected with multiple interferometers without the object absorbing any photons. Professor Wang's research also involves applications such as the measurement of optical material thickness and index of refraction using down converted photon pairs, and investigating the piezoelectric properties of ceramic capacitors for use in nanomotion applications. Professor Wang is also interested in non-contact nanometer scale distance and sound measurement which has potential applications to study sound produced by bacteria, or monitoring the shape of hohlraum during laser fusion experiments. Professor Wang also has theoretical interest in Electromagnetically induced transparency, slow light, quantum feedback control and simulation of quantum systems.

Teaching and Research

Selected Publications

Jin Wang, Dynamic magnetic field entanglement stabilization, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, Vol. 38, Issue 9, pp. 2451-2454, (2021)

Jin Wang, Magnolia Landman, Thomas Sutter, and Zahra Seblini, Entanglement Evolution in a Heisenberg Spin Dimer, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 55, No. 12, 2019.

Jin Wang, Thomas Sutter, Magnolia Landman, and Zahra Seblini, Feedback enhanced entanglement in a spin-1/2 XY dimer model permeated by a transverse magnetic field, AIP Advances 8, 101412, 2018.

Jin Wang, Customizing Vacuum Fluctuations for Enhanced Entanglement Creation, Journal of Physics B, 51,135501, 2018.

Jin Wang, Single Lens Logarithmic Confocal Distance Measurement Array, Optics Express, 25 (21), 25326-25331, 2017 (Editors Choice)

Jin Wang, Michael Milgie, Kevin Pitt, Superposition Interaction Free Measurement Using Polarized Light, Journal of Physics B, 49, 045501, 2016.

Jin Wang, Gabe Elghoul, Stephen Peters, Lead Zirconium Titanate Alternatives for Nanoactuators, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 60, 256, 2013.

Jin Wang, Shawn Strausser, Single Photon Determination of Transmission, Index of Refraction and Material Thickness, Journal of Modern Optics, 59, 381, 2012.

Jin Wang, Modelling Decoherence in a Driven Two-Level System Using Random Matrix Theory, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 29, 75, 2012.

Jin Wang, A Comparative Study of the P and Q Representations of a Feedback Controlled Two-Qubit System, Physics Letters A, 375, 1860, 2011.

Jin Wang, Decoherence Effects in an Electromagnetically Induced Transparency and Slow Light Experiment, Physical Review A, 81, 033841, 2010.


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7 years 6 months
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