Teaching about child maltreatment and trauma takes a special awareness for how close to home the topic can hit for many students.
To encourage physical activities and healthy habits for elementary and middle school students, UM-Dearborn helped land a $100,000 grant to implement the Safe Routes to School Program.
UM-Dearborn’s facilities teams are going beyond recommended standards in some cases to ease folks' nerves about returning to the office.
Mardigian Library is creating an archive of campus experiences during COVID through artistic expression and oral history.
Through a collaborative effort, UM-Dearborn secured a Department of Justice grant to expand campus educational initiatives and support services surrounding sexual assault, stalking and relationship violence.
Free counseling services and live stream exercise sessions are some of the upcoming MHealthy offerings to help you connect with healthy activities for your body and mind.
Here are classes offered this fall for you to consider.
UM-Dearborn offers free virtual course on COVID-19-related topics. The six-session virtual learning experience will take place from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesdays from July 21 through August 25.
Plans include a hybrid semester with many classes in a remote format, a shift in the academic calendar and a continued focus on remote engagement opportunities for students.
Things are changing quickly. Take a look at this resource list and check often as it continues to grow.
Dr. Charles M. Krafchak Memorial Scholarship honors a young life lost for what he loved best
To promote a safe and healthy environment for our community, UM-Dearborn leadership is working closely with U-M health professionals and executive officers.
Office of Metropolitan Impact Director Tracy Hall and husband William have been together for more than 30 years. They always thought they were good together, and Michigan Medicine recently confirmed that they really are close to a perfect match.
During the second installment of "New Year, New You," Jacklynn Paten encourages you to take a few minutes each day to clear your head to de-stress, re-center and prioritize your mental health.
With hashtags and history at times grouping authority and the public on opposing sides, what can be done to bring everyone back together? Police officers are working with educators to understand the public point of view during the campus-created Alternatives to Violent Force training.
UM-Dearborn educators are leading the way in creating pathways to opportunity for those with trauma exposure through a new promising approach.
College of Education, Health, and Human Services' students Kyle Ralston and Ilham Saleh were awarded during the 2019 SURE student poster showcase held in Kochoff Hall.
The admissions customer service associate was chosen from nearly 700 MHealthy champions for her long-standing commitment to staff wellness.
At universities across the country, mental health services are in more demand than ever. But getting effective help doesn’t always require going to a therapist.
With kindness as a guide, Institutional Advancement staff member Laura Gabriel focused on sharing and spreading goodwill during a MHealthy campaign.
Campuses across the country are reimagining their approaches to mental health services. Here’s what that might look like at UM-Dearborn.
The pantry has served more than 4,000 pounds of food and continues to look for ways to serve food-insecure students.
Four walk-in clinics will be held this fall: Sept. 17, Sept. 24, Oct. 9 and Oct. 15.
UM-Dearborn staff and students helped launch the pilot project that encourages healthy eating and seed saving.
Public Health Student Society organized a town hall with local experts to discuss one of the nation's largest drug epidemics and healthcare crises.


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